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Jinjia Zhou (周 金佳/しゅう きんか) received B.E. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 2007. She received M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Waseda University, Japan, in 2010 and 2013, respectively. From 2013 to 2016, she worked as a junior researcher at Waseda University, Fukuoka, Japan. Following that, she served as an Associate Professor and co-director of the English-based graduate program at Hosei University from 2016 to 2020. Additionally, from 2017 to 2021, she held the position of senior visiting scholar at the State Key Laboratory of ASIC & System, Fudan University, China. From 2020 to 2021, she was also appointed as a specially appointed Associate Professor at Osaka University. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at Hosei University. Her research interests focus on algorithms and VLSI architectures for multimedia signal processing.

Dr. Zhou was selected as JST PRESTO researcher during 2017-2021. She received a research fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science during 2010-2013. Dr. Zhou is a recipient of the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad of 2012. She received the Hibikino Best Thesis Award in 2011. She was a co-recipient of ISSCC 2016 Takuo Sugano Award for Outstanding Far-East Paper, the best student paper award of VLSI Circuits Symposium 2010, and the design contest award of ACM ISLPED 2010. She participated in the design of the world-first 8K UHDTV video decoder chip, which was granted the 2012 Semiconductor of the Year Award of Japan.


She works as an associate editor for IEEE Access and Computers & Electrical Engineering, an editorial board member for Cognitive Robotics, and as a reviewer for journals including IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Tech., IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst., and IEEE Trans. Multimedia.

Jinjia Zhou / 周 金佳

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Award and Honors

  • 2020 Best Paper Runner-up Award of the 26th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM)

  • 2017 ISSCC 2016 Takuo Sugano Award for Outstanding Far-East Paper.

  • 2016 Excellent paper of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan

  • 2014 IEEE ICIP Top 10% Paper Award

  • 2013 STARC Symposium Best Presentation Award

  • 2012 Chinese Government Award

  • 2012 "Semiconductor of the Year" Award of Semiconductor Industry News

  • 2011 Hibikino Best Master Thesis Award 

  • 2010 JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists

  • 2010 International Low Power Design Contest Award of ACM ISLPED

  • 2010 Best Student Paper Award of VLSI Circuits Symposium

  • 2009 Isao Okawa Information and Communication Academic Scholarship

  • 2008 Global COE Research Fellowship

  • 2006 Toshiba Scholarship for SJTU Student

Academic Activities

Associate Editor: IEEE Access, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Cognitive Robotics

Workshop Chair: ACPR2023

Session Chair: ISPD2017, ICME2022, ACPR2023

TPC Member: VLSI-DAT2018. 

Program Chair: HPCCI2020, ICIVP2020


Address: S504, 3-7-2 Kajino, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8584, Japan.

Tel:+ 042 387 6188

Email:zhou at

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